Orchids come from tropical climates and typically prefer warmer temperatures. The ideal growing temperature for most orchids is between 60 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Most orchids prefer bright, indirect light. Avoid placing orchids where they will be in direct sun. Ideal locations including covered patios, well-lit rooms, bright bathrooms (which are also typically high in humidity) or window sills (that do not receive direct sunlight). A southern facing window will usually provide the bright light that orchids prefer.
Overwatering is often the most common mistake when caring for orchids. Typically, orchids need to be watered every 7-14 days, but this will vary depending upon the temperature and humidity where you are growing your orchid.
As a general rule, let your orchid potting media get fairly dry before watering. To check how dry the potting media is, simply feel the potting media with your finger along the inside of the pot. You should never just check the surface of the potting media as it dries out the quickest.
Plants require water to stay hydrated. When watering your orchids, apply enough water carefully and directly to the pot until water runs through the bottom of the pot. You don't want your orchids' roots to sit in standing water. For orchids that are planted in a decorative container without a drain hole, be sure to pour off any excess water in the pot after each watering.
When watering, it's best to do so early in the morning so that the leaves have plenty of time to dry before night time. Wet leaves at night can lead to a fungus or a bacteria.
As a general rule, let your orchid potting media get fairly dry before watering. To check how dry the potting media is, simply feel the potting media with your finger along the inside of the pot. You should never just check the surface of the potting media as it dries out the quickest.
Plants require water to stay hydrated. When watering your orchids, apply enough water carefully and directly to the pot until water runs through the bottom of the pot. You don't want your orchids' roots to sit in standing water. For orchids that are planted in a decorative container without a drain hole, be sure to pour off any excess water in the pot after each watering.
When watering, it's best to do so early in the morning so that the leaves have plenty of time to dry before night time. Wet leaves at night can lead to a fungus or a bacteria.
Plants require food for energy. Feeding your orchids regularly with a good quality orchid plant food is essential to maintaining healthy plant growth. Plant foods that dissolve in water (called water soluble) work well when feeding orchids. A plant food like our Orchid Plus is ideal to use throughout the year to help maintain and promote plant growth. We recommend feeding your plants weekly with a weak plant food solution.
Most potting media breaks down (or rots) over time and in doing so, undermines the health of your orchids' roots. Healthy roots are one key to a healthy plant, so most orchids will need to be repotted every one to two years. It's best to use a good quality mix designed for your orchid type.