Plumeria (Frangipani)
The fragrance of brightly colored plumeria blooms evokes memories of tropical vacations and warm summer days in the garden. The colors of plumeria range from vibrant rainbows to brilliant white, and each bloom emits a lovely fragrance. Renowned for their beauty, you can weave blooms into leis or gently float them in a bowl of water. Blooms early and often throughout the season. Ideal as a container plant for patios or decks – wherever you’d like a splash of color and scent. |

Care Tips
Plumeria are wonderfully easy-to-grow and can thrive with minimum care. This is a deciduous plant, meaning that it will tend to lose its leaves and go dormant in the winter season, leafing out again when nighttime temperatures remain above 50ºF. If you live in a frost/freeze zone, your plumeria can be stored indoors (no light required) over the winter and brought out again when temperatures turn warm.
Direct sunlight for at least 6 hours per day during growing season.
Regularly (at least once weekly) during the growing season, sparingly or none at all during the plant’s dormant period.
Plant Food
During the growing season, feed monthly with a water-soluble plant food or feed seasonally with a continuous-release plant food. Always follow specific label recommendations on your plant food.
If transplanting to another container, use a well-drained soil mix. If planting in the ground, ensure excellent drainage is available.
**Available May – July
Plumeria are wonderfully easy-to-grow and can thrive with minimum care. This is a deciduous plant, meaning that it will tend to lose its leaves and go dormant in the winter season, leafing out again when nighttime temperatures remain above 50ºF. If you live in a frost/freeze zone, your plumeria can be stored indoors (no light required) over the winter and brought out again when temperatures turn warm.
Direct sunlight for at least 6 hours per day during growing season.
Regularly (at least once weekly) during the growing season, sparingly or none at all during the plant’s dormant period.
Plant Food
During the growing season, feed monthly with a water-soluble plant food or feed seasonally with a continuous-release plant food. Always follow specific label recommendations on your plant food.
If transplanting to another container, use a well-drained soil mix. If planting in the ground, ensure excellent drainage is available.
**Available May – July