Orchid Bark

Better-Gro® Orchid Bark is a premium, multi-purpose potting medium for all epiphytic orchids as well as bromeliads, ferns, and a wide variety of other ornamentals. It is perfect for potting, re-potting, or spot refilling, making it the ideal “emergency” potting mixture.
Better-Gro® Orchid Bark‘s quality and versatility makes it the medium of choice for orchid cultivators, as well as general gardeners. This mix is a combination of specifically sized and graded grower’s choice western fir bark that has been specifically created to handle the potting needs of a wide range of orchids and ornamentals.
Better-Gro® Orchid Bark:
- Is a wonderful media of specially sized grower’s grade choice western fir bark
- Is a quality potting mixture for all epiphytic orchids as well as a variety of ornamentals, such as bromeliads
- Is ideal for potting, re-potting, spot refilling, or as the base for a custom mixture
- Is endorsed by the American Orchid Society
- Comes in a handy re-sealable bag
- Available in two convenient sizes: 8 Dry Quarts (8.8L) and 4 Dry Quarts (4.4L)
Printed on the back of the Better-Gro® Orchid Bark bag are easy orchid growing directions for lighting, watering, and feeding requirements, as well as detailed step-by-step instructions outlining the critical points necessary to successfully re-pot your orchid. You’ll also find a link to EasyOrchidGrowing.com, which hosts a plethora of Easy Orchid Growing videos and care tips.
After re-potting your orchid, use Better-Gro® Orchid Plus® and Better-Gro® Orchid Bloom Booster® plant foods to promote healthy growth and abundant blooms